at papa personal injury law were willing to go to court heres why that means a better outcome for your car accident case

Jun 25, 2021

|Auto Accidents


Being injured in a car accident can be one of the most disruptive things to happen in someone's life. Pursuing justice through legal action can be the only way to not only get closure but also to get an outcome that enables you to move forward physically, emotionally, and financially. Of course, it's no small feat to build a car accident case – though it can be tremendously rewarding and altogether life-changing. Working with a skilled, passionate attorney is a solid way to get a good outcome for your case; working with a skilled, passionate attorney who is willing to take your case all the way if necessary is how you get a better outcome for your car accident case. Today, we're exploring why settlements are so popular in the personal injury world – and why they're not a given – to equip you with the tools you need to get the justice you deserve.

Settling Isn't a Given

Over 90% of personal injury cases are settled out of court, and that's not without its reasons. Settlements usually mean a lesser outcome than what a plaintiff might get if they won in court, but they can also be perceived as a faster and safer bet by many attorneys. In fact, the majority of personal injury attorneys have never even taken a personal injury case to court.

We recommend that you keep these figures in mind when looking for a lawyer for your car accident case. We're not saying that you should go with a lawyer who's dead set on taking your case to trial; honestly, that's just as inadvisable as going with a lawyer who's dead set on settling your case. Instead, we recommend going with an attorney who prioritizes your unique set of circumstances and is completely willing to adapt their strategy in order to fit them, bringing about the best outcome for you. By choosing an attorney with a documented history of both settling and taking their cases all the way to court successfully, you can rest assured that your lawyer has your best interest at heart. The best lawyer is one who will approach your case with a fresh perspective and adaptable strategy, not one who tries to make your unique circumstances fit their mold.

Your Attorney's Role

Though a personal injury attorney's job description can be both extensive and complex, it really boils down to just one critical thing: they must be the best possible advocate for you. At Papa Injury Law, we believe that being your best advocate means leveraging our extensive education, experience, and resources to help you get justice. It means hearing you out and listening to what you have to say throughout every step of your case, and it means being completely transparent in our communication so that you always have the best, most up-to-date information possible.

Your Case, Your (Informed) Decision

Ultimately, the decision about whether or not to settle or to take your case all the way to trial is yours. We're here to give you the tools needed to make the decision that makes the most sense for your circumstances, your needs, and your case. With that, you can rest assured that we will provide informed, objective legal advice that's always in your best interest, not ours.

Getting a better outcome for your car accident case means being willing to do what it takes to get you the full justice you deserve. We pledge to be willing to take your case all the way to court if that's what needs to happen. We've done it successfully many times, and you can rest assured that, if that's what your case comes to, we'll do everything in our power to make it happen again. If you'd like to learn more about your options, don't hesitate to schedule a free consultation with us.


Find Out What You Should Do Next

We’re committed to making sure you know your options – and that you have the best information possible so that you can make the best decision for you and your family.

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You’ve gotten to know us a little better – now tell us about how we can help you. If you’ve sustained an injury or been in an accident, don’t hesitate to schedule a free consultation with us to learn about your options.

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