here is the most important and affordable thing you can do to protect a small business from a lawsuit

Feb 4, 2022

|Auto Accidents


How can you protect a small business from a lawsuit? Legal trouble is something that every business owner wants to avoid, and for good reason: it can tear a small business apart. The good news is that you have plenty of options when it comes to setting your business up for success, keeping employees and customers safe, and avoiding unpleasant surprises in the first place. Today, we're going over some of the things any small business – but especially one employing delivery drivers – can do to keep their teams safe . Please note that all of this information is intended to be educational and should not be interpreted as legal advice. Let's get started.

A Few Precautions

We'll get to the number-one provision you should take in a minute, but first it's important to consider all of the small things you can do to protect a small business from a lawsuit. The simplest answer is: make sure your team is taken care of and you are proactive about keeping them safe. Of course, there's a lot that goes into accomplishing that, and that's exactly what we're here to talk about today. Here's a look at a few simple precautions you can take against injuries and accidents on the job. .

Safe Drivers

Employing delivery drivers is a huge responsibility, and the best way to keep everyone safe is to make sure that your team is up for the job. Before hiring a new team member, consider doing a driving record check and even a background check to ensure that they don't have any serious offenses in their past. Vetting your drivers before they come on board is a great way of setting up a baseline of safety on your team.

Diligent Maintenance

If you own company vehicles that drivers use, make sure you get them serviced regularly and inspected yearly. Your company vehicles are as crucial a part of your team as your drivers are, and keeping them in the safest shape possible is critical. Be diligent about maintenance every step of the way.

Fair Policies

Extensive on-boarding training for your team members is a must, especially for those of them who will be on the road – but it's also important not to forget regular training for people who are already on your team. Consider doing annual road rules tests or training with your team members to make sure they stay sharp and diligent. As far as policies go, protecting your business is important. Speak to an attorney about setting up liability provisions that are fair both to your business and its employees in the event of an accident or injury.

The #1 Thing to Do

The most important thing you can do to protect your business in the event of an accident is also one of the most underrated: establish a relationship with a great personal injury attorney now, rather than later. A reliable PI attorney isn't just a fantastic sounding board for your policies and precautions in the event of an accident; they can also connect you to a network of trusted professionals whose services you may require after an accident. From doctors to psychologists, mechanics, and even business attorneys, your personal injury lawyer can refer you to experts who you can count on if the worst-case scenario happens on the job. Making a trusted personal injury attorney accessible to your team is also a great way to show them that you care about their safety and well-being on the job. From staying organized to boosting morale, a relationship with a personal injury attorney offers your business a host of benefits even if no accidents have happened.

Proactivity is key if you want to protect a small business from a lawsuit and protect your team in the event of an accident or injury. To learn more about how a personal injury lawyer can help your business now and later, don't hesitate to set up a free consultation with us.


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