your guide to how car insurance works if youve been in an accident

Jun 7, 2021

|Personal Injury Guru


The whole point of car insurance is to cover you in the event of an accident or injury, but it can be difficult to get a straight explanation about how car insurance works in the first place. Today, David A. Papa sits down with Patrick Gallichio, an insurance agent and car insurance expert, to talk through what different car insurance coverages mean, the pros and cons of different plans, and what drivers can expect from their insurance company in an accident based on the kind of plan they have. By sharing this information, David and Patrick empower listeners to make the most of their coverage in any scenario. Let’s dive in.

One thing not many drivers know, unless they have been involved in an accident themselves, is that the first thing you’ll be asked to provide after a car crash is proof of financial responsibility. Patrick explains that this is simply proof that you are able to pay for the damage that has just been caused. This proof can often be provided in two ways: liquid funds in a bank account or 10/20 bodily injury coverage in auto insurance (though Patrick recommends going for a higher coverage). Patrick goes on to discuss how much insurance coverage drivers should have, according to his recommendation, in order to have as much peace of mind as possible about the financial fallout that comes from a car accident. To listen to Patrick’s in-detail exploration of car insurance coverage and professional recommendations, be sure to listen to the full episode.

If you or a loved one were involved in a car accident, it can feel like your whole world has been taken for a spin – but the reality is that you have more options than you think. Don’t hesitate to schedule a free consultation with David A. Papa to talk through those options and find out how you can get justice.

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