what do i do when a car accident was not my fault your guide to making sure youre protected when youre not at fault in an accident

Aug 6, 2021

|Auto Accidents


This car accident was not my fault – what do I do now? When you're not at fault in a car accident, having to deal with the fallout can feel both overwhelming and unfair, but it's important to know that there are resources available to help you make sure you get justice. Safety comes first: make sure you and any loved ones involved in the accident are safe and stable; everything else can wait. Once that's done, the best thing you can do is stay organized, keep calm, and speak to a professional. Today, we're walking you through everything you should take care of in order to get justice if you were not at fault in a car accident.

Prioritize Your Well-Being

Safety comes first, no matter what. If you or anyone else in your car is injured in a car accident, seek medical help right away. Even if the injuries seem minor, take no chances: car accidents can put your body in shock, and it's possible that you may not feel the full extent of your injuries at the scene. That doesn't mean they aren't serious. Even if everything seems to be OK, it's a good idea for everyone involved to get a medical check-up as soon as possible just to make sure nothing goes unnoticed.

Call the Authorities

No matter the seriousness of the accident you were involved in, always be sure to call the authorities while you and the other party (or parties) are at the scene. This will be crucial if you wish to seek justice down the line. The officers who respond will file a report detailing the circumstances of the accident, the damage done to the vehicle, and any injuries sustained. Having officers respond is also the best way to make sure you don't find yourself in a he said/she said situation with the other driver about exactly what happened and what kind of damage was done. Objective third parties are the best resource you'll have in the immediate aftermath of an accident in order to corroborate your story and make sure all of the important information is recorded.

Get All of the Appropriate Documents (It's More Than Just Insurance)

Of course, you'll want to get the insurance information of the at-fault driver (and any other parties involved). Make sure this information, along with the person's identification and contact information, is recorded by the officers who arrive at the scene. If it is safe to do so, make sure you take photos of your car at the scene, documenting all of the damage caused by the crash. If possible and safe, also document any injuries that you and your passengers sustained. If you or anyone else in your car have to seek medical attention, record the date, purpose, and payment information of every single doctor's visit, as well as any prescriptions, procedures, or diagnoses you receive. You should also record any towing, mechanic, or other repair expenses. Make sure you document how much time you and your family members have to take off work (if any) in order to deal with ramification from the accident. Be very organized about keeping up with all of this information.

Speak to an Attorney

If you are interested in seeking justice after a car accident, it can be daunting to think about where to even start. This is just one of the many reasons why your best bet is to speak to an attorney with experience in the personal injury field An attorney will help you navigate every step of the process, and that doesn't just mean being your legal advocate. A great attorney will also be able to connect you with an assortment of professionals, like physicians, masseuses, physical therapists, counselors, and therapists who can help you deal with the mental, emotional, and physical effects of the accident. The best attorney isn't just the person who can get you favorable legal results (though, of course, that's essential) – they're also the person who cares about making sure that you're set up for a successful psychological and physical recovery.

At Papa Injury Law, we take pride in going above and beyond to make sure our clients are able to move forward from an accident with peace of mind and favorable outcomes. If you're thinking, "This car accident was not my fault, and I want justice," we're here to help. David A. Papa has over 20 years' experience helping his clients get the justice they deserve after injuries, and he won't charge you a dime unless he wins your case. Just Just click here to schedule a free consultation with him. /contact-us/


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