trauma goes beyond the physical heres how a lawyer can help you get justice if you experienced emotional trauma from a car accident

Oct 15, 2021

|Auto Accidents


Emotional trauma from a car accident is very real, and it can disrupt your life every bit as much as physical trauma. If you've been struggling psychologically and emotionally after a car accident, it can be very isolating. Know that you are not alone: it is completely valid and understandable to develop emotional scars after a traumatic event, and you have every right to pursue justice for yourself and your family. How can you get the justice you deserve after experiencing emotional trauma from a car accident? That's exactly what we're covering today. Let's get started.

Safety First Applies Here, Too

Anytime we educate our neighbors about what to do in the aftermath of a car accident, the first thing is always the same: your safety comes first. That applies to your emotional well-being just as much as it does to your physical health. Even if you walk away from a car accident without physical injuries, it is crucial to ensure that your mental and emotional trauma receives the attention and healing it deserves. If you were shaken up by a car accident, we recommend speaking to a licensed professional who can help you through it. From counselors to psychologists and psychologists, there is a wide array of trained professionals who can help you navigate the emotional aftermath of a car accident at a variety of price points. Just because your emotional scars aren't as visible doesn't mean they are any less important.

Get Documentation

Don't beat yourself up during your emotional healing process. If you had to invest in emotional support in the form of counseling or therapy, had to take time off work in order to prioritize your mental health, or otherwise experienced a lull in productivity or disruption to your schedule due to your own or a loved one's emotional care, the expenses associated with this are valid and should be documented. Keep a record of any counseling invoices, including insurance co-pays, that you incur. Also document the amount of time you or anyone else involved in the accident missed from work. Document your mental care as thoroughly as you would your medical care; this paper trail will be important should you seek justice.

Get a Lawyer Who Cares

We've said it before, and we'll say it again: a lawyer should be more than the person who argues your case. They can – and should – be your most valuable resource as you navigate the aftermath of a traumatizing accident. Your attorney is your number-one advocate, and they should both advise you and represent your best interest during every step of your pursuit of justice. A great lawyer will give you their honest, expert advice about the decisions to make over the course of your case, all the while respecting that the final decisions at every stage of the process are yours to make. In addition to being your advocate, a reputable attorney can also connect you with a variety of resources to help make sure that your physical and emotional well-being are taken care of. From recommending mental health professionals to physical therapists, at-home nurses, physicians, mechanics, and more, your attorney can help you make sure you have all of the assistance you need to make it through this difficult time.

If you experienced emotional trauma from a car accident, you have the right to pursue justice. Our dedicated team is here to help make sure you get it. To learn more about the next steps you can take, don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with David A. Papa. Click here to book your free consultation.


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